Radish is one of the very first vegetables that appear on the table in spring, when after the winter period people often have a shortage of vitamins. We learn the calorie content of radish, what it contains, what is beneficial for men and women, how to use it with the greatest health benefits.
Description and chemical composition
Radish is an edible root vegetable with a slightly sharp aftertaste. This vegetable has a small size (about 25 mm) and a thin peel of red, pink or white-pink colors. There are purple, yellow and even black varieties.
The nutritional value of 100 g of radish is as follows:
- proteins - 0.68 g;
- fats - 0.1 g;
- carbohydrates - 3.4 g;
- dietary fiber - 1.6 g;
- water - 95.27 g;
- ash - 0.55 g.
Did you know? Europeans were introduced to the radish by the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo, who brought the seeds of this vegetable from China in the 13th century.
Minerals that make up 100 g of root crops:
- potassium - 233 mg;
- calcium - 25 mg;
- magnesium - 10 mg;
- sodium - 39 mg;
- phosphorus - 20 mg;
- iron - 0.34 mg;
- Manganese - 0.069 mg;
- copper - 0.05 mg;
- selenium - 0.6 mcg;
- fluorine - 0.006 mg;
- zinc - 0.28 mg.
Radish contains phytosterols, omega-fats. Light bitterness gives it the content of mustard oil.
Radish Properties
Radish contains a lot of substances that are useful to humans, but this vegetable also has contraindications.
This root crop has the following medicinal properties:
- choleretic;
- diuretic;
- increases appetite;
- stimulating digestion;
- antioxidant and anti-cancer;
- antibacterial;
- normalizing sugar level.
The usefulness of radishes is as follows:
- is a source of healthy minerals and vitamins;
- promotes longevity;
- increases the body's defenses;
- improves digestive processes and metabolism;
- strengthens blood vessels and removes cholesterol;
- helps with gout;
- useful for diabetics;
- increases hemoglobin;
- improves the condition of tooth enamel.
All this suggests that these root crops will bring a lot of health benefits to both men and women.
For women
This vegetable may interest the weaker sex in that it contains few calories. Its use improves the appearance, since it removes puffiness, removes toxins, improves the condition of the skin and teeth. It can be used in face masks.
It is especially useful in that it normalizes hormonal levels and can prevent breast cancer. It is useful for pregnant women to use, because it contains folic acid, which is necessary for the proper intrauterine development of the fetus, and it also fights against manifestations of toxicosis.
For men
The antioxidants contained in the radish strengthen the male body, are the prevention of heart disease and remove harmful cholesterol. Regular use of this product will protect those who abuse smoking and alcohol from cancer, in addition, the radish suppresses craving for alcohol and serves as an anti-hangover. It protects the body from a harmful external environment and is useful to those who work or live in harmful conditions. The use of radishes tones the body of men and promotes sexual activity.
Harm and contraindications
There are contraindications to the use of radish:
Radish is a harmful product for constipation and diarrhea. These root crops, on the one hand, contain a lot of fiber and help cleanse the intestines, on the other hand, they promote fermentation. Thus, when the intestine weakens or strengthens, they must be excluded from the diet.
- exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
- thyroid disease;
- children under 3 years old;
- people after a heart attack.
Important! Radishes should not be eaten on an empty stomach - this can cause abdominal pain and exacerbation of existing digestive diseases.
Calorie content and vitamin composition
100 g of product, depending on the variety, contains only 14–20 kcal.
This amount includes such vitamins:
- beta-carotene - 0.004 mg;
- lutein and zeaxanthin - 0.01 mg;
- B1 - 0.012 mg;
- B2 - 0.039 mg;
- B4 - 6.5 mg;
- B5 - 0.165 mg;
- B6 - 0.071 mg;
- B9 - 0.025 mg;
- C - 14.8 mg;
- K - 0.0013 mcg;
- PP 0.254 mg
- betaine - 0.1 mg.
Basic rules for choosing radish
It is recommended to adhere to the following rules when choosing a radish:
- The surface of the fruit should be flat, without any damage (dents, cracks) and signs of decay. Cracks in the vegetables indicate that they were not watered enough and, most likely, they will be bitter.
- Do not take sluggish fruits. This indicates their lack of freshness.
- It is better to refuse to buy root crops that are too large in size, since they are often hollow. It is better to choose medium fruits.
- It is advisable to acquire these root crops with the presence of tops. Such fruits are better stored and stay fresh longer.
- You do not need to buy the very first, early radish, since in this case it is likely that it was grown using chemicals. Such fruits will have a large amount of nitrates, which will negatively affect health.
Did you know? Peter I introduced Russia to radishes in the 17th century, but he gained popularity only in the 18th century, when French cuisine, in which it was often used, became popular.
Consumption rates
An adult is recommended to consume no more than 100-200 g of radish per day.
Features of use
Radish will be useful in a number of chronic diseases. In some cases, it should be discarded or taken with caution, and it is better to use seedlings that contain the highest amount of vitamins and which can be safely added to salads. Germinated 5-day radish seeds are best consumed for breakfast. This stimulates the digestive system, lowers cholesterol, helps with chronic diseases of the digestive system, and improves metabolism.
When breastfeeding
Is it possible to eat a radish for a woman with HS, largely depends on the health status of the baby. The use of radish by a nursing mother enhances the production of milk, but it is worth considering that if this product is abused, milk can lose its quality characteristics and cause flatulence in the baby, as well as the appearance of colic. That is why it is recommended to introduce such a root crop into the menu of a nursing mother in small portions and not earlier than the fourth month of the baby's life.
With gout
Radish contributes to the normalization of metabolism, and also has a choleretic effect. Such properties are useful for gout. But to use this product must be no higher than the recommended norm. With gout, experts recommend eating not the radish itself, but its tops, from which a medicinal drink is prepared.
For weight loss
Due to its low calorie content, radishes are useful for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight. The enzymes contained in this vegetable burn fat deposits well and also remove excess fluid from the body. If you include salads from radishes in the menu, then you can well accelerate the metabolic processes, remove toxins and toxins, improve the functions of the digestive system. But it is worth considering that this product enhances the appetite.
For heartburn
Excessive consumption of radishes can cause heartburn, so you should not use this root crop above the recommended norm, and with exacerbation of heartburn, it is better to completely abandon the product.
With diabetes
Radish has a low glycemic index - 15 units. This suggests that this product has almost no effect on the level of glucose in the blood. Moreover, this vegetable contains natural insulin, which has a good effect on the normalization of glucose in the blood, so it can well be included in the diet for diabetics.
Important! If you have any disease, it is better to consult a doctor before using this product.
This product will be useful in both type 1 diabetes (acquired) and type 2 diabetes (inherited). It is good to eat radishes, especially in spring, when there is a lack of vitamins in the body. However, there are contraindications to the use of this root crop, which should be taken into account before introducing it into your diet.