The last few days, a farmer from the Nizhny Novgorod region celebrates his triumph. The Russian citizen has a serious and significant reason for joy and pride - at the reputable competition he managed to win the Business Success award.
And the entrepreneurial farmer can only thank for this his hardworking hands and fertile soil. Which allowed him not only to grow high-quality vegetables, but also to expertly preserve them. As a result, the farmer’s products, which he sells under the Pan Kochan, Beloruchka, and Kapustko brands, won the Best Agricultural Project competitions organized by the Russian Agricultural Bank, the Russian Public Chamber and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.
It is known that together with the Nizhny Novgorod craftsman another 9 participants took part in the fight for the prize, who, like the “chef” in pickles, were selected from 100 participants of the first stage.Note that the products of the Nizhny Novgorod "conservative" are in high demand not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. Take, for example, overseas Canada and Australia, in whose supermarkets the products of a vegetable grower from Nizhny are successfully sold. His pickles are also popular among residents of Germany. Golden Jack and certificates, which provide an opportunity to advertise on the Internet sites of the Runet, were encouraging gifts for the farmer.