The protracted rains in most of Ukraine bothered raspberry producers and forced them to revise plant treatment schemes to increase them. This was reported by Infoindustria news agency, based on its monitoring data.
In the current weather conditions, the risk of berry bush disease by a wide variety of rot and rust is noticeably increasing. High humidity forces farmers to apply more treatments with fungicides.
It is noteworthy that an increase in the use of fungicidal group preparations is also registered by companies that produce plant protection products.
According to experts, this year the problem of increased development of diseases is fixed in many fruit crops. And if you do not solve it with the help of special protective equipment, you can lose not only the quality, but also the volume of the future crop.
Bad weather caused damage not only to Ukrainian farmers. In Europe, agriculture suffered, and, in particular, raspberry plantations of the main competing countries of Poland and Serbia. Farmers of these states complain about the active spread of diseases on plantations.
Recall that in Poland almost the entire strawberry crop was destroyed due to frost, which lasted several nights in a row.