Buckwheat porridge is a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins, besides, it is tasty and easy to prepare. If you are thinking about a diet on buckwheat, it is important to familiarize yourself with its features and rules. This method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone, so first you need to understand the positive and negative aspects of such a diet - more on that later.
Advantages and disadvantages of buckwheat diet
Mono-diet assumes the presence of one basic product, on which the entire concomitant diet is based.
- The advantages of this approach using buckwheat are:
- the ability to eat any amount of porridge that saturates you;
- lack of discomfort with weight loss;
- a large number of nutrients in buckwheat;
- quick result of losing weight;
- benefits for the cardiovascular system;
- a large amount of protein in porridge;
- appearance improvement;
- strengthening immunity;
- the provision of a beneficial effect on the body with a diet containing fiber;
- fight against cellulitis;
- short-term diet;
- varied menu.
The listed advantages distinguish the specified product among others. Diet allows not only to achieve weight loss, but also to provide the body with benefits that can be noticed directly during the observance of such a diet.
However, you should know all sides of the issue.
- The method of losing weight with buckwheat has its disadvantages:
- this option may not be suitable for a particular person;
- the severity of the regime applies to additional ingredients (sugar and salt, spicy and bitter, that is, spices and seasonings, as well as sauces);
- strict prohibition to eat four hours before bedtime;
- the ability to re-sit on such a diet no earlier than a month later;
- gastritis and ulcers may worsen;
- lack of such useful substances that are in meat and fish dishes (due to which the optimal duration of the regimen is two weeks);
- the inability to adhere to such a diet for lactating and pregnant women;
- prohibition for diabetics.
Important! Be careful: sometimes when losing weight on buckwheat, there is a decrease in blood pressure.
How much can you lose weight on a buckwheat diet
The average performance in the two-week regime, led by buckwheat, is 10-12 kilograms of decreasing weight. There are several methods, the first of which assumes a diet duration of three days, and the longest two weeks.
3 day diet
The ability to lose a few extra pounds (2–4 kg) and relieve the body in such a short time is a three-day diet. She is very simple. A three-day course is best called healing and cleansing.
Its basic rules:
- You need to cook porridge correctly. The recipe is this: if tomorrow you start a new regime, then in the evening of the current day you should pour 1 cup of cereal 200 g of hot boiled water into a container that needs to be wrapped overnight.
- By morning, buckwheat will be ready for consumption. No additives are required.
- Eating is as important as a specific person needs to saturate.
- With such a diet, the consumption of drinking water should be large - from 2 liters per day.
- Stop using the mode is very neat, gradually. The number of calories is increased stepwise.
Did you know? 1/4 hours of jumping rope for the load on the body are equal to an hour of running.
Weekly menu
This effective, simple and cleansing diet will saturate the body with useful substances. The components of the weekly regimen are steamed buckwheat or the same, but with the addition of one liter of low-fat kefir per day. At the same time, it is worth drinking it separately: before eating or after, observing a half-hour interval. The remaining rules are general: high water consumption and a ban on eating 4-5 hours before bedtime.
Two week diet
A balanced and gentle option - two weeks. It is diverse and easy.
With it, you can lose weight and eat:
- fruits (ideally apples or oranges, grapes and banana should be excluded);
- vegetable salads;
- eggs (1 pc per day);
- dairy products, low-calorie yogurt;
- honey (1 teaspoon);
- greens (for example, dill).
In this mode, the rate of weight loss will be low, but the benefits to the body are noticeable. Nevertheless, you can lose up to 10 kg or more.
Buckwheat unloading diet
Duration is one day. At the same time, you should eat steamed porridge or its combination with kefir. Every 2 or 3 hours you can eat 100-200 g of cereals cooked correctly, drink plenty of water all day. In this case, a loss of two kilograms of excess weight is guaranteed.
Important! Kefir, added to buckwheat, acts as a laxative.
Buckwheat and kefir
The consumption of a sour-milk non-fat product with a three-day diet will help those who find it difficult to adhere to the chosen regimen. The volume of a fermented milk drink is then 1 liter per day.
Buckwheat and dried fruits
Fans of sweets can dilute a strict diet with dried fruits. They are very useful, and also will not adversely affect the success of losing weight. A diet that includes a combination of the cereals in question with prunes and dried apricots is considered facilitated.
How to follow a diet
There are three types of buckwheat diet if you want to lose weight:
- strict:
- kefir;
- lightweight.
In the first case, only porridge enters the food, in the second - buckwheat with kefir. The easy option includes a more varied menu. It is always important to leave the diet followed gradually: on the last day the basic product is part of the diet. Various products are gradually added, while it is important not to sharply increase caloric intake.
Important! There is such a rule: in any case, the number of meals per day should be equal to three.
What you need to first refuse
The chosen diet involves the rejection of salt and sugar. But glucose is important for a clear and familiar brain function, so its absence will affect concentration. In this case, the mentioned spoon of honey will help.
What to eat with a diet
The first two types of buckwheat diet are quite strict, but productive.
The third involves the introduction into the diet:
- a small amount of dried fruit;
- fruits (bananas are excluded), vegetables and even low-fat cheese;
- breakfast from 100–125 g of cottage cheese and porridge, lunch with boiled meat (100 g of veal) and salad (here you can please the body with soy sauce or vegetable oil).
Is it possible to consume coffee
A morning cup of coffee or tea - strictly sugar free - is permissible. Green tea is preferred. It should be brewed with water at 60–80 ° С. You do not need to add anything to the drinks. A spoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach for vitality is more combined with a buckwheat diet.
Did you know? The classic balance rule of the KBJU states that you can eat anything. It is only important to observe the number of calories, proteins (50%), carbohydrates (20%) and fats (30%).
Is it possible to salt porridge
Salt is contraindicated in the described diet. In general, all additives to steamed porridge should be absent: spices and seasonings, sugar, sauces of various kinds. However, you may notice that due to the lack of sodium chloride, blood pressure decreases. Be sure to keep this in mind.
Is it possible to eat fruit
Among fruits, there are preferred, and there are forbidden. Sour apples, oranges, apricots and peaches are allowed to be carefully introduced into the diet: so as to eat one or two of these products per day. Grapes and bananas should not be eaten with the described diet.
Buckwheat diet contraindications
Three-day and longer regimes are contraindicated for all who have gastrointestinal diseases. With hypertension and diabetes, such a method of losing weight is prohibited. The weekly option is also not suitable for nursing mothers and pregnant women.
The correct mono-diet can consist of buckwheat porridge, which is important to prepare by steaming in boiled water. There is a form of regimen with a combination of kefir, as well as an easy version of the diet. The main rules - lack of salt and sugar and plenty of drinking - reinforce the meaning and result of the regimen for weight loss. The fasting day option is useful and simple, but even it gives a positive effect. Throwing off 2 kilograms of excess weight is not only pleasant, but also useful.